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Richard Hill Church of England Primary School

Richard Hill Church of England Primary School


Pedagogy has various definitions, including:

“the way teachers deliver the content of the curriculum to a class.”

“the method of teaching, both as an academic subject or theoretical concept.”

“Working together allowing conversation, which teaches language, meaning, and values in the context of immediate issues.”


So, ultimately, the term pedagogy can be used to define the various ways that teaching and learning is carried out.

Are there different elements to pedagogy?

Here are five approaches we can take to build the learning environment:


This involves getting the learners to be involved in developing the meaning behind the sessions. 

This helps the brain to assimilate information more clearly, as they see how the construction of materials can be applied in the workshop with others. It also enables them to share experiences they have prepared beforehand.


As you would expect, this enables learners to work in pairs, groups or whole teams to learn concepts and apply them in real-world scenarios.


This pedagogical approach builds around situations and problems the learnings will experience in their line of work. It could be case-study based, where a pre-prepared situation is disseminated to small groups who use their experience to work on it, or specific issues and challenges that the learners have brought with them or prepared beforehand.

The value of using these scenarios is that learners can imagine themselves in these situations and can use real-time discussions to work on the answers.


This is where learners learn while interacting with others. An integrative approach allows for a cross-fertilisation of ideas and concepts that maybe new to various others. The whole point is to make discussed-concepts applicable to other environments, stretching students’ minds to apply the new ideas in challenging situations they might encounter outside the classroom.

Integrating ideas is important, as the brain has to recognise the practical application of ideas they have learned. I


Allowing learners to reflect on what they have picked up is vital if the ideas are to be consolidated, established and embedded in their minds and hearts.

Our approach to pedagogy at Richard Hill

Defining Mastery-Based Learning is complicated by the fact that schools not only use a wide variety of terms for the general approach, but the terms may or may not be used synonymously from place to place.

At Richard Hill we believe mastery to be; 

"Mastery learning means a deep, long-term secure and adaptable understanding of a subject or concept."

In practice this means:


  • An expectation that almost all pupils can achieve age-related learning expectations;
  • Confident children who are able to take risks – a growth mindset culture;
  • Emphasis on depth rather than acceleration.


  • Whole class teaching, with differentiation built in through questioning and scaffolding;
  • Learning that is broken down into small, logical steps;
  • Continual assessment, integral to every lesson;
  • Rapid intervention to address gaps;
  • Skillful questioning to develop deeper understanding;
  • An emphasis on acquiring and fluently applying skills and vocabulary;
  • Flexibility in long-term planning – teachers only move on in learning when the large majority have mastered the previous step;
  • High quality feedback to pupils;
  • Daily opportunities for purposeful practice;
  • Mixed-ability, flexible groupings.

Is it the same if my child has additional needs?

We believe that the Mastery Approach is very inclusive however if a child has very complex needs all the areas above would be considered to ensure they had full access to the curriculum.