Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Our SENCO is Kate Tack. Please contact the school office if you would like to speak with her and she will contact you directly.
You can find out more in our SEND Report 2024
At Richard Hill we believe that all children should be valued, treated with respect and should be provided with an opportunity to achieve the highest possible standards they can within a caring and nurturing environment. We adopt a holistic approach in which every aspect of the child is appreciated and cherished.
We aim to:
- help children, young people and parents/carers find information as easily as possible;
- encourage and welcome support and advice from external, internal and parental knowledge;
- ensure all pupils have their needs met as fully as possible with equal access to all that our school can offer
Our school intends to link closely and align itself to the local authority local offer. More information about Leicestershire's Local Offer can be found at The aims of Richard Hill Primary School are based on the Statement of Principles adopted by the local authority and guided by the DfE Code of Practice for SEND (2014).
You can find out more in our SEND Report 2024
Richard Hill CE Primary School SEND Information Report | |
Welcome to our SEND Information Report which is part of the Leicestershire Local Offer for learners with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). This Local Offer has been produc… | |
Useful Local Contacts
The Local Authority Local Offer can be found via the following link
SEN support at Richard Hill
How are we increasing increasing disabled pupils’ and pupils with special educational needs curriculum participation?
We have considered our curriculum very carefully. Mrs Tack has detailed below the 5 main ways in which we make sure that there is participation by all pupils and the adaptations that are made.
1. Thinning out the curriculum
Pupils are offered the same curriculum in all subjects, however the learning is thinned out to the key knowledge appropriate for that pupil. CUSP knowledge notes are highlighted to show this.
2. Adapting recording
Pupils may have their writing scribed, record on Ipads, use QR codes, perform their work, use post it notes, draw pictures, etc to record their learning. Teachers consider recording for SEND pupils when planning and decide the appropriate method based on pupils needs.
3. Individual support plans
SEND pupils have detailed ISPs which outline any additional resources, provisions and strategies needed in the classroom. These are shared with all staff in the classroom and agreed with parents termly.
4. Specific Feedback
Pupils who are SEND or ‘off track’ are offered more conferencing to give detailed and specific feedback. Pupils are aware of their targets and next steps in core subjects.
5. Monitoring Progress
SEND pupils have progress closely monitored and where appropriate have small step targeted plans in place. These are reviewed every six weeks and targets are adapted to support pupils with their next steps.
SENA News and Local Offer Newsletter
Local Offer Newsletters | Leicestershire County Council