School Uniform
Key reasons why uniform is a good idea
- Wearing it gives children a sense of belonging to their school.
- It helps pupils share a common identity regardless of finance, background, culture or religion.
- It removes peer pressure to buy designer label clothes and shoes that not all can afford..
- It helps children and teenagers get ready to learn. Getting into school clothes signals that the day has started and helps sharpen the brain for learning.
- It makes the busy morning routine easier. No more rows and decisions about what to wear or whether it’s cool enough. Everyone’s in the same boat.
Hair in school
We request that for all children in school, regardless of gender, once their hair reaches their shoulders that it is tied back neatly with a simple hair tie away from their face. This is for health and safety and hygiene reasons for example being caught, pulled or catching nits. It also helps them to complete everyday school activities without their hair being a distraction. We fully understand that some children have sensory sensitivities regarding hair and our school SENCO is happy to discuss and assess this with any parents as needed on a pupil by pupil basis. Neat bows, clips and headbands are also allowed in school however if they become a distraction or are deemed a risk by school staff in terms of health and safety the pupil will be asked to remove them.
We appreciate all parents support with this.
Buying School Uniform
School uniform can be bought from any supermarket or there is information below regarding School Trends our uniform supplier. School uniform does not need to have the school logo on.
We also have pre-loved uniform available at all our school events for parents and carers to take anything they would like.
Our school uniform supplier is School Trends who we have used for many years because they provide us with good value for money products and good service.
All school uniform is available to order from School Trends using an online ordering system. This gives you, parents and carers, the benefit of:
- no deadline dates - you can order at any time, even through the school holidays
- home delivery - you have the option of your order being delivered to yur home address for a small delivery fee or FREE into school
- more products being available online.
You can order by following this link: